
harness archetypal feminine range toĀ rekindle your aliveness,Ā root into your power,Ā and embodyĀ your womanly magick

A 7-week online self-paced journey

I'm going to be real with you, because that's what I value...


I am not going to write to your pain points in a way that makes you feel disempowered and inadequate.Ā  I refuse to sell to youĀ by playing on manipulation tactics.Ā  And,Ā I will not be your savior.

I will get down in the muck with you and I will hold a flame for what's possible.

I am not perfect, but I've come a long damn way, and I've learnt some potent fucking lessons along the way.

I teach fromĀ lived experience and gnosis.Ā  My soul is in service to holding a space for others to have their own deep embodied experiences & come back into an experience of wholeness within themselves.

Enter the Temple... Where we will be journeying deeply into the archetypal realms, the feminine erotic wisdom body, the pussy as a gateway to Goddess, and pleasure as a sacrament to God.

In the Temple, we remember this truth.Ā  A truth that has been demolished, demonised,Ā distorted, and forgotten.

If you are here; reading this page now with sincerity in your mind, knowing in your bones, tingling in your cells, and yearning in your feminineĀ heart for a return to aĀ template whereĀ female sexuality is revered, then I trust that your soul came here at this time to also remember, reclaim and embody the truth of theĀ Feminine Principle in her potent range.


Mmmm YES, I am ready!

You are a woman who...


Has a deep feeling nature and a deep wise soul.Ā  You were never meant to contort yourself into the mould society presented for youā€¦

I see you fellow witchy woman; Venusian soul with a penchant for the moon, the esoteric, wildflowers, sensual delights, honey, the smell of roses, and a life drenched in beauty, wildness, and meaning.

You are sensitive to your environment and the materials that adorn your skin, and you desire to own your innate sensuality as a gift from the Goddess in abundance-enhancing ways!Ā  Frustratingly, the practical demands of life sometimes mean you feel cut off from your feminine softness and you yearn for a safe space to melt into a pool of sensual remembrance & communion.

You may have felt shamed by the polarity teachings going around that lack nuance and misunderstand/fear the Yang Feminine.Ā  Or you may feel like you are constricted in your life, worrying what other people think, stuck, and desiring to liberate yourself from energetic (ancestral & societal) patterns that keep you playing small.

Perhaps you find yourself scrolling on Instagram, stuck in comparison, instead of rooted in your power birthing your soul offerings... There is no judgement here, I've been there!Ā  You sense that having dedicated time to drop down into your pussy temple will reconnect you to your power, radiance & magnetism, but it can be so challenging in life to make time for feminine embodiment practices.

You desire to come into deeper reverence with your womanly magick and to cultivate your allure instead of feeling constantly frazzled. You're no longer willing to sacrifice your feminine essence and you yearn to come back into right relationship with the masculine principles of men (and inadvertently the Cosmic Masculine), to know protection & provision.

When we reconnect to our feminine range we draw out subconscious aspects of our psyche, enhance our energy body & nervous system capacity, and allow desires that have been relinquished to the shadows a space at our table.Ā  We get to reclaim our delight in the playful naughty realms and revel in the vitality we receive from our erotic nature.Ā  We make it safe for all aspects of ourselves to be known.

In this way, we live a life of authenticity, which frees up so much energy that gets to be channelled into our soul desires & expression.



ā€œEros seizes and shakes my very soul like the wind on the mountain shaking ancient oaks.ā€


~Ā Sappho


Inviting you into...


7 weeks, a coven of soulful women,Ā time devoted to our feminine embodiment, witchy ritual, and the dripping wet abundant sensuality of a Venusian temple space.

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"The world has forgotten. People have been prim, prudent, and aghast at the mere mention of theĀ priestessesĀ of the Goddess.Ā "Sacred Whore" is an oxymoron to most, because they fear their own skin and the power of a woman's desire.Ā To us, she has always been the "Holy Virgin"...
They have turned their faces from all the guises of the Goddess save one, whom they call Virgin indeed and hide her behind her son. For too long, they have forsaken the Maiden, the Hag, the Avenger, the Whore, the true Mother whoĀ took pleasure in her own body to beget, bear and bring forth her precious fruit.
The people have forgotten, forsaken and feared the Goddess of Old, but the Goddesses have forgotten nothing. Their ageless beauty, wisdom, honor and power have been preserved - within marble, bronze, oil on canvas, ink on papyrus. They have beenĀ kept within the earth, water, stone, trees, and air that still sparkle and flutter with the laughter of nymphs and satyrs reveling in grottoĀ temples.
And we remember, dear sisters - theĀ PriestessesĀ who have been recalled to service in all ancient forms.Ā Our line has long been broken. We have been cast out of the ruinedĀ templesĀ for centuries upon centuries. The roofs have collapsed, the columns have crumbled, the altars were broken to prevent our worship. But the foundations remained. They wait for us to come and discover their long-kept secrets.
The Golden one herself willĀ whisper in our ears, bathe us in her pools, and touch our most secret places with Divinity.Ā [Aprhrodite] will initiate us again into her Mysteries and remind us that not all has been lost through neglect and destruction. Much has been preserved, hidden in poetry, pottery, plays. Even the crumbling classical architecture longs to whisper its secrets, if we will only stop and listen.
Come, dear ones, and learn who you are.Ā You are theĀ priestessesĀ of the newĀ temple,Ā and your training will begin to rebuild what was lost.Ā TheĀ templeĀ is indeed being erected anew - not marble upon the acropolis, but within our flesh, our hearts, our soul.
Listen to the stories of theĀ priestessesĀ whose names we haven't forgotten, though their true natures have been veiled by history.Ā We are daughters of Aphrodite, you and I - herĀ priestessesĀ reborn. Come, dear sisters, and claim your place in her worship."
~ FromĀ TempleĀ of LoveĀ by Laurelei Black

CeremonyĀ 1 & 7, Opening & Closing CirclesĀ 

Potent & moving opening & closing ceremonies to open the field together, call in guides, and anchor into intentions for the journey ahead.Ā  Time is not linear, so no matter when or where you journey with the replays, you will still be just as held in the energetic field (and Telegram group :))

We work with co-regulation and a trauma-informed container of practice, group sharing and intention setting in every ceremony.

Week 2, The Sensualist

The Sensualist is the element of water.Ā  She is felt-sense, the smell of roses, a breathy exhale, silk caressing skin, slow-flowing movements,Ā and emotion.Ā  In her shadow, she can haveĀ a compulsion towards feeling too deeply, drowning in a feminine soup of watery feeling; she requires Huntress energy to ground her into herĀ earthyĀ discernment.

There is an opening & closing circle in every call. In this ceremony we work with the below feminine embodiment practices & rituals:

Sensual Embodied Dance,Ā 5-Senses Ritual,Ā 'Feminine Swamp' vs. 'Feminine Desert' Embodied Shadow Exploration,Ā Self-LoveĀ Breast Massage,Ā Felt-Sense and Grief Release BreathworkĀ 

Week 3, The Huntress

Huntress is root chakra, earth. She is primal, wild, fierce, and raw.Ā  She is liberated fromĀ energetic shackles that bind her to society's 'Good Girl' expectations of her.Ā  Her sex drips with the pheromones of freedom, and sheĀ is a vessel for the Dark Feminine in the freedom of her hips, spine, and erotic current.Ā  She is feminine wild and does not fear aging or buy into the BS that youth is the only kind of beauty.Ā  In her shadow, her fierceness is not in service to love, but instead manipulation or isolation.Ā  She can become a lone wolf, and like distorted Lilith; at war with the masculine.

In this ceremony we work with the below feminine embodiment practices & rituals:

PrimalĀ Embodied Dance dedicated to the Dark GoddessĀ andĀ Witches & Wise Women of our Lineages, Wisdom from the Womb Meditation Journey,Ā Age Alchemy: Embrace AgingĀ & AuthenticityĀ Reflection Ritual, Primal Breathwork & Sacred Rage, Shadow Dance, Sister Singing Circle


Week 4, The Temple Priestess

The element of Ether.Ā  A conduit between matter & spirit.Ā  Her archetype helps us remember the body as sensual, primal, and divine.Ā  She is the bridge between sex and heart, and between worlds.Ā  Her womanly magick 'takes the war out of men'.Ā  She is Kingmaker and has the capacity toĀ wake men out of a slumber and remind them of their innate goodness, even when life is hard.Ā  She is the sensual softness that redeems weary spirits, and she is feminine power embodied.Ā  In her shadow, she is on a pedestal and has lostĀ contact with humbleness.Ā  On the other end of the spectrum, her shadow may be of a withering wallflower in her erotic expression.

In this ceremony we work with the below feminine embodiment practices & rituals:

Temple Dance, Powerful Temple Priestess Transmission, Group Yoni Steam & Herb Blessing, Pu$$y Gazing & Devotion, Shakti Shaking, Rose-Womb-Grounding MediĀ 


Week 5, The Courtesan

The courtesan is the element of Air; as sharp, witty, switched on, and able to hold her own as any intellectualĀ sat around a dining room table... And yet, she is not just intellect; her secret power is being deeply connected to her inner Muse, her healthy (craved) Temptress, andĀ the power of her pussy.Ā  She is dripping in self-worth (and historically in diamonds too!)Ā  The Courtesan is one of the only female archetypes in history to be financially liberated and independent in her own right: she has great medicine for us as women whose souls chose to incarnate at this time and createĀ abundance *from* our feminine! Ā In her shadow, sheĀ canĀ seduce purely for material gain void of integrity, or her seduction is leaky and rooted in a lack of self-worth.

In this ceremony we work with the below feminine embodiment practices & rituals:

Embodied & PlayfulĀ Dance,Ā Courtesan Transmission, Gua Sha Radiance Ritual, Shadow Alchemy Mirror Dance, Sacred Self-Pleasure Ritual, Yoni-Heart Connection Medi

Week 6, The Sacred Seductress

Oh how I adore this archetype.Ā  She is the element of fire baby!Ā  SheĀ teaches us that her energy is a gift we get to play with and revel in.Ā  She is sexy, wild, free, playful, and DELIGHTS in her own naughtiness.Ā  She brings us into presence and greater intimacy with ourselves and our lover/Beloved.Ā Ā She alsoĀ helps us reclaim the truth that the Goddess is certainly not all love & light.Ā Ā In her shadow, she is dusty, covered in cobwebs, and long-forgotten or hidden away in the depths of the psyche as it doesn't feel acceptable/safe to reveal her.Ā Ā The other side of this coin is when she's disconnected from heart and discernment.

In this ceremony we work with the below feminine embodiment practices & rituals:

Madonna|Whore Wound Transmission, Fire Breath, Sacred Twerk, Discover Your Kink Archetype, Aspecting Process to Alchemise Shadow or Shame, Erotic Dance & Polarity Play, Cervix-Heart Breath

My story and myĀ why...

Hello my loves, I'm Sophie.Ā  Wild Rose Wellness is myĀ soul transmission, birthed from my own spiralic journeyĀ of many descents on the feminine spiritual path.
You can read more about my story hereĀ if you so desire...
Just know, I am well versed in walking this path. Ā Over a decade ago now, I embarked on a 6-year journeyĀ to regain my menstrual cycle naturally. Ā This journey re-initiated me into the womb mysteries.
Alongside thisĀ journey, I embarked on 4.5 years of conscious celibacy as I healed from PTSD & sexual trauma and went deeply into my own Tantric healing.
Every descent into the underworld I have navigated has led me here to my dharma; to be a conduit for the Sacred Feminine Mysteries.
If you already follow me on IG, you will likely know that my passion for the Temple Priestess and Courtesan archetypes came from my lived experience of following the call to become an erotic dancer, a journey I emerged from at ChristmasĀ 2022!Ā  Like many Tantrikas I know across the globe, often we hear this call because the strip clubs are the closest thing we have to a temple in our current society.Ā  This is slowly changing as the resurgence of the feminine blooms, and temple culture revives.Ā  This is a good thing because the clubs are distorted!Ā  In those two years, I worked in several clubs becoming one of the top earners in each.Ā  I learned a great deal during this time, in both the shadow & light realms, which refined my relationship with my own erotic expression and archetypal feminine range.
This work was born out of that journey and my many initiations on the path of the Feminine Mysteries.
You had me at hello ;)


"Temple of Eros has seeped into every aspect of my life. I look in the mirror and I like the woman that stares back at me. Things make more sense. I feel and understand my power now. My core relationships have changed for the better. This is how it works in this container. I have surprised myself in ways that I never thought possible. And this is just the beginningā€¦

This is a magical sisterhood. These women!! To witness them and for them to see my transformation has been delightful. I am proud to be one of them. Sophie guides you through such sacred knowledge with a tenderness that is devoted to your process. Each session is delicious and exquisitely curated. The expanse of material covered is breathtaking. Time appears to stand still in this protective cocoon as the learning pours in. Sophie will take you there. Back to you."

Lisa, UK


"Describing my experience of Temple of Eros is hard to put into words as it was so much about feeling, and feeling into edges. My intention was to allow myself to experience it all, and I did just that. I improved my relationship with myself, and my shadows, and itā€™s allowed me to explore this more deeply with my partner. Itā€™s given me the confidence to be myself more and to let go in moments when my brain is too quick to give me a reason not to sink into feeling. The archetype exploration helped me understand sides of myself I had put on hold, or had hidden away. Iā€™ve been able to use some of the practices & rituals we did to add sensuality, confidence, and a bit of sauciness into my daily life. If youā€™re on the fence, this is your sign to jump in and go for it. You wonā€™t regret it!"

Alice, UK

"Discovering Sophie and answering the call to join her coven has been an absolute delight. I am deeply grateful for her guidance and love, which are evident in every aspect of her work. The Temple of Eros has become an integral part of my life, deeply influencing my being on a cellular level. The practices focused on Eros and Awareness have brought, and continue to bring, significant shifts in my sexual, sensual, and energetic existence.

I admire Sophie's courage, beauty, care, wisdom, and openness, which she generously shares in this sacred, safe, and wildly experiential temple. I felt supported and encouraged to explore new facets of my feminine essence. This journey reconnected me with magic, rituals, nature, deep exploration, and the embrace of my shadowā€”elements I deeply value both personally and in my life's work.

Sophie's work transcends the individual; it is essential for the collective and the cosmic dance of relationships."

Cori,Ā France

"Participating in Temple of Eros deepened my relationship with myself, embraced my erotic nature, softened me into pleasure, and helped bridge my archetypal feminine work with the rising waves of sensual power within me. Sophieā€™s embodiment of the many faces of the Erotic Feminine invited me to reflect and express my own ways of bringing Her forth. Facing the Shadow and Light of each archetype brought my energies into greater coherence, acceptance, and awareness, allowing me to work more consciously with them. I am deeply grateful to Sophie for her pulsing heart and womb gnosis, which masterfully guide this sacred container."

Sarah,Ā USA

I invite you into the Temple...

This is a self-paced journey that you can receive in your own time & space, for 1/3 of the cost!



Save Ā£667 (off full price)

  • 7-weeks of deep delicious feminine embodiment &Ā ritual
  • A coven of fellow wise witchy women & temple priestess souls
  • Telegram group chat for those that want it
  • A truly life-enhancing journey
I am sooo in.